North Herts & Stevenage Green Party Local Green Party in North Hertfordshire and Stevenage Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:48:07 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 North Herts & Stevenage Green Party 32 32 Safer streets proposals for Baldock and Chells (Stevenage) Mon, 03 Mar 2025 14:11:38 +0000 Hertfordshire County Council has announced a new wave of consultations to implement safer streets, including the introduction of 20mph zones and other road calming measures, in Baldock and the Chells area (Stevenage). This follows implementation of this scheme in Central Hitchin and the Bedwell Area in Stevenage. Local residents are encouraged to show their support […]

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Hertfordshire County Council has announced a new wave of consultations to implement safer streets, including the introduction of 20mph zones and other road calming measures, in Baldock and the Chells area (Stevenage). This follows implementation of this scheme in Central Hitchin and the Bedwell Area in Stevenage. Local residents are encouraged to show their support for the plans in their area.

Green Councillors understand the importance of these consultations and plans to make our communities safer. We are committed to transform local transport, including through safer routes to schools.

The proposed plans aim to improve road safety, create calmer streets and encourage more walking and cycling. For these plans to go ahead, at least 10% of residents need to respond, of which 50% of responses need to be in favour.

The Baldock and Chells area consultations close on 17 March 2025. You can have your say directly by clicking on the below links for each area:


Baldock Northeast

Baldock South

Baldock West

Chells Area, Stevenage

Chells area (North) & St Nicholas (Southeast)

Chells area (Centre)

Chells area (South)

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Share your thoughts on sustainability and climate change Fri, 21 Feb 2025 17:13:33 +0000 Hertfordshire County Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and has committed to working with partners and residents to tackle climate change and its impacts across the county. They have opened a new consultation to get residents’ views on sustainability and climate change ambitions. All Hertfordshire residents are invited to fill out their online survey […]

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Hertfordshire County Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and has committed to working with partners and residents to tackle climate change and its impacts across the county. They have opened a new consultation to get residents’ views on sustainability and climate change ambitions.

All Hertfordshire residents are invited to fill out their online survey here:

An accessible version of the survey is available here:

The survey closes on March 21st.

This is an important survey and will help the county council understand what people think about climate change, how to better communicate with residents about sustainability, and how to get more people involved in taking action.

You can find out more about sustainability in Hertfordshire and what the county council is doing to tackle climate change here:

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North Herts Candidates for May 2025 County Council elections Thu, 20 Feb 2025 18:34:55 +0000 There will be a Green Party candidate in every division in North Herts and Stevenage for the Hertfordshire County Council elections on 1 May 2025. Our prospective candidates in North Herts are listed here, with further details below (there will be a separate list of our Stevenage candidates). For more information on our local policies, […]

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There will be a Green Party candidate in every division in North Herts and Stevenage for the Hertfordshire County Council elections on 1 May 2025. Our prospective candidates in North Herts are listed here, with further details below (there will be a separate list of our Stevenage candidates).

For more information on our local policies, see our Green Manifesto for Hertfordshire.  

Our Candidates

Hitchin North – Deolinda Eltringham 

Royston East & Ermine – Peter Wilkin

Baldock & Letchworth East – Tim Lee

Hitchin Rural – Mary Marshall

Hitchin South –  Elizabeth Ryder Ford

Knebworth & Codicote – Des Stephens 

Letchworth North – David Morris

Letchworth South – Dugald Muir

Royston West & Rural – Julie Rackham

Hitchin North – Deolinda Eltringham  

Deolinda Eltringham, Gree Party candidate

A resident of Hitchin since 1986, I would be very honoured to serve and represent the residents of Hitchin North.  I am a chemist with a scientific interest in climate change and its consequences.  I fully understand the dangers of air and water pollution, which motivates me to want to do better for our town and region.  I am passionate about community, social care, and environmental issues.

Over the years I have served in a number of local community groups.  I am keen to ensure that our county’s recycling services are fit for purpose, provide value for money, and are run safely from fires within the community.  And I believe that locally and in Hertfordshire we need to prepare to face the possibilities of future flooding events, and work with nature to minimise the damage to the community. 

I fully support the Green Party’s “Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price” charter to deliver warm and energy-efficient homes. Local councils should be in control of housing, with the aim of building quality affordable homes in the right places and with proper infrastructure. We should be building homes that serve local needs, supported by facilities such as GP surgeries, bus services, schools, shops, and leisure centres.     

“A Green voice on Herts County Council can change the debate, challenge the Conservative majority led status quo, challenge the present Labour complacency, and ensure local people concerned about climate change and social justice have an effective voice in HCC”. 

I wish to focus on the following aspects of our community life:

  • Monitor Hitchin’s air quality, to improve it and reduce local air pollution
  • Ensure sound council finances governance
  • Demand a local flooding protection action plan
  • Promote Green Investment to create jobs, reduce emissions, and promote a repurposing economy
  • Investigate and stop any sewage water contaminating local rivers
  • Use existing Council powers to address the problems of scrap yard fires    
  • Ensure local Housing Plan meets local needs, and bring about a strict Community Infrastructure Levy
  • Support healthier active travel, and accessible and affordable bus transport for all
  • Protect biodiversity sensitive areas and extend re-wilding schemes
  • Support the protection of Hitchin’s Green Belt from over development expansions
  • Promote and support the proposed Local Electricity Bill 
  • Campaign for a fairer and proportional local election’s voting system

As a Hertfordshire resident and if elected as Hitchin North councillor, I fully support a commitment to divest Herts Local Government Pension Scheme (HLGPS) from the arms trade and in particular companies complicit in Israel genocide against Palestinians, and ecocide in Palestine.

Royston East & Ermine – Peter Wilkin

Photo of Peter Wilkin on Royston High Street

I have lived in Royston for 4 years with my partner Francesca. My father was a Church of England vicar.  From observing his pastoral care for the local community, I learnt that it’s important to have compassion for all people and when needed respectfully disagree with people while still working together for the greater good.  I also learnt that it is important to work and strive for a better future and to always stand-up for the voiceless and disadvantaged people.

I have worked in Royston for over 10 years in Quality Control at an electronics company, and as such I know the importance of having an eye for detail and that quality is always more important than quantity.

As your Green councillor, I will be available and commit to champion Royston Palace, its community and the whole town.  Within the North Herts Council I would call for much needed resources to develop a more sustainable community, focused on meeting present and future challenges.   

Since becoming part of the Royston community, I have worked with the Green Party due to our shared principles of environmental justice, economic equality and social wellbeing. 

I would be very honoured to represent Royston Palace in North Herts Council, and I believe that even one lone Green voice on the Council can change the debate, challenge the status quo and Labour’s complacency, and ensure local people concerned about climate change and passionate about their community have an effective voice within the District  government. 

I am enthusiastic about creating a more sustainable positive future for Royston where everyone has the opportunity to live their best life. 

My proposals for Royston Palace:

  • A planned future – let’s have a neighbourhood plan for Royston. 
  • Reduce pollution and improve pedestrian and cycling access – let’s have a car free High Street. 
  • Affordable homes for local people – Let’s have an increase in the percentage of social and affordable housing as part of any new residential development – Don’t let developers dictate what will be built! 
  • Better facilities in our town – Let’s have a  brake on out of town development until a needs assessment is done for the town.   
  • A better environment – Let’s have an increase in and upgrading of green spaces, play facilities and planting in the town centre. 

Vote for the Green candidate this time:  vote for Peter Wilkin to represent you, change the debate, challenge the status quo and Labour’s complacency, and ensure local people concerned about climate change and their community have an effective voice in local government.”

Baldock & Letchworth East – Tim Lee

Creating a happier world, a better world, a sustainable world is my motivation for life – and Hitchin. There are so many opportunities to achieve this that are made stronger if I have your vote to make change happen in the council.

To help us all transition profitably and sustainably to Net Zero, I am studying, part-time, an MSc in Marine Renewable Energy. I have a particular interest in tidal energy capture – it is completely reliable, not depending on sun or wind.

Professionally I’m a Data Protection Officer – a mix of legal and technical problem solving. Previously, I’ve been a Senior Solution Manager, designing and delivering software solutions for many years, a bit of programming and internal consultant. I moved into IT, from engineering, as many people did in the 90s, after gaining an MSc in Computer Science.

I’m married with two adult children. Together with my wife, we grow and make a lot of our own food, keep chickens, ducks, geese, quail, and bees (until they flew away!). For fun we are rebuilding a 60-year-old boat that we will convert to run on solar power.

Hitchin Rural – Mary Marshall

Photo of Mary Marshall

Mary has lived in Hitchin for 25 years and works from home for an Employee Owed Company as an IT applications tester and Health and Safety Officer.  During her career in IT she has commuted to a variety of places on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus and train, giving her a wide experience of local, regional and national transport issues.

A keen community gardener, Mary likes helping to keep Hitchin’s Quaker (Friends) Meeting House grounds in central Hitchin tidily wild. Caring for a public open space involves tackling persistent litterers, drug use, vandalism, anti social behaviour and homelessness.   Working with neighbouring Churches, local police, charities and councils she helps our community to keep these places safe for everyone to use.  Mary also helps at the Triangle Community Garden in Hitchin Bearton ward.

Working from home has allowed her to join in weekly health walks, residents’ meetings, and ringing St Mary’s church bells for traditional local event and services.

Worries about safety after watching the first charity Christmas Tractor run promoted her to volunteer for the Marshals team for this fun, noisy, lively event bringing town and country together.

In her words:  If we are to make progress towards a greener, less polluted future we need to do so together.   This means listening to each other and acting on these and their concerns”..

Hitchin South –  Elizabeth Ryder Ford

Photo of Elizabeth Ryder Ford

Having been a Hertfordshire native for my entire life, I am seeing our beautiful countryside changing beyond recognition. I strongly believe in defending our green spaces, protecting our ecosystem and creating positive change for the most disadvantaged members of our community. The 3 main parties have compromised the future of generations to come by failing to initiate meaningful change in various empty climate promises. The youngest members of our society are already feeling the effects of poor economic strategy, meaning affordable housing and a proper living wage are unattainable goals. I believe that a society in which the populace is fairly taxed can create a sustainable and fairer environment for humans and nature alike.

Knebworth & Codicote – Des Stephens 

I have been a Green Party member for 10 years. I have in the past been a member of the Labour Party but left because I did not believe that it was following just social and economic policies. 

I joined the Green Party when I realised the great significance of climate change to the world and peoples  lives. We will not achieve social and economic development without protecting future generations from the chaos of a warming planet.

I am married and retired, both happily.

Vote green, give us a chance.

Letchworth North – David Morris

Photo of David Morris

David has lived in Letchworth Garden City their whole life. Now retired, David worked at BT, then for the last 20 years at London School of Economics prior to retirement.  If elected to represent the Letchworth Norton ward they would focus on people and the planets future, not being driven by profit motives. Seeking to support all the residents of the ward they would pursue policies through the council that would encourage more equality of opportunity and personal freedom and hopefully start the process of restoring faith and confidence in local democracy.

Letchworth South – Dugald Muir

Photo of Dugald Muir

Dugald has spent the last 15 years living in Letchworth, where he has raised his family, run a small business and more recently studied for a Masters in Fine Arts at the University of Hertfordshire. He loves being a part of the vibrant Letchworth community, you may well have seen him helping at a local drama society, volunteering at food waste rescue charity in the town centre, or walking the greenway with his Fox Terrier, Carlo. Sustainability, community and supporting green spaces for all are the foundations of Letchworth and Dugald is passionate they should be at the heart of the approach to building a thriving town for the future.

Royston West & Rural – Julie Rackham

Candidate statement TBA.

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Show your support for the Climate and Nature Bill Tue, 10 Dec 2024 22:07:39 +0000 Will you be in Stevenage Town Centre this coming Sat?Could you spare 30min in support of Greenpeace’s: **Mass Climate and Nature Bill Photoshoot**?   Phil Skone of Greenpeace shared this appeal:   “At our recent local Greenpeace meeting we discussed the idea of a photoshoot involving as many members of local groups as possible holding […]

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Will you be in Stevenage Town Centre this coming Sat?
Could you spare 30min in support of Greenpeace’s:

**Mass Climate and Nature Bill Photoshoot**?  

Phil Skone of Greenpeace shared this appeal:  

“At our recent local Greenpeace meeting we discussed the idea of a photoshoot involving as many members of local groups as possible holding banners etc. asking our MP’s to support the Climate and Nature Bill. The photos would be sent to lots of local newspapers and hopefully get plenty of publicity. We decided that the best location would be in Stevenage as it was probably the most central and accessible for everyone.

We have our delayed National Day of Action meeting with Stevenage MP, Kevin Bonavia on the 20th of Dec. The Climate and Nature Bill will be one of the topics. Thus, having a big turnout for the photoshoot will send a very strong message. A local photographer has offered to help.”  
We are happy to share the details below with you:  

**Mass Climate and Nature Bill Photoshoot**

When 🕚 : Saturday 14th Dec 2024, 11am   It shouldn’t take too long

Where 📍➡ : Stevenage Town Centre on the stage (raised platform next to fountains ⛲).

It’s close to the station 🚃 and there’s free parking 🚘 in the nearby Asda car park.

EVERYONE is welcome – the more the merrier, we need as many as possible for this to be effective, so please bring friends and family and spread the word 🙂

We all want the same outcomes 🌎🌳🐳🐝.

This will be a great show of solidarity and unity ✊🏼💚

If you have any posters and banners with a message asking our MP’s to support Climate and Nature Bill, please bring them or print the one attached.  

We will be using our phones for the photos 📷 and then sending them to lots of local newspapers and hopefully get plenty of publicity (if you have any contacts, please share).

Looking forward to seeing lots of you there 🤞🙏🏼🙂

We need to be sure of a good attendance for this to be successful, so please confirm if you can attend by contacting . Everyone is welcome to join this WhatsApp group for updates about the event and general chat about environmental issues;

Over the 2019-24 Parliament, this bill was presented twice by the former Green MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas, on the 2nd Sep 2020 and 21st Jun 2021.  Since the general election last July, this Private Member’s Bill sponsored by Dr Roz Savage MP (LibDem) had its first reading on 16th Oct and is due its second reading on 24th Jan 2025.  

Related news: Sadly Labour has shelved the planned GCSE in natural history because it is “seen as a Conservative party initiative”. The conservationist and campaigner Mary Colwell worked with former Green Party MP Caroline Lucas and Tim Oates from Cambridge University Press & Assessment to create the GCSE.  

Let’s support the Climate and Nature Bill !  

Would be great for many local Green Party members and supporters to be seen and counted in support of a Caroline Lucas dream for the UK! A chance to wear a GP t-shirt and badge💚

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New videos on Electoral Reform Sun, 08 Dec 2024 15:36:30 +0000 The UK is one of very few nations that still use the outdated ‘first past the post’ electoral system, which systematically discriminates against smaller parties. The Green Party won 6.7% of the popular vote in the 2024 general election and only 0.6% of the seats in the House of Commons. We need a system that […]

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The UK is one of very few nations that still use the outdated ‘first past the post’ electoral system, which systematically discriminates against smaller parties. The Green Party won 6.7% of the popular vote in the 2024 general election and only 0.6% of the seats in the House of Commons. We need a system that allows the votes of everyone to count, unlike the current system that guarantees the two biggest parties control of government.

Want to find out more? Try watching these Youtube talks on Electoral Reform: 

1) Dennis Pilon: Myths, damn myths and voting system change – 

2) How other countries changed their electoral systems – 

3) Dennis Pilon on electoral reform: lessons learned and reasons for hope – 

Or you could watch the video of our 2023 ‘Truth for a Change’ event on Representative Democracy here:

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Give Green in the festive season Thu, 05 Dec 2024 18:22:58 +0000 Why not give the gift of membership of an eco or wildlife charity to someone this festive season? For example the Woodland Trust, RSPB, or herts wildlife trust. Or a green campaigning organisation, like Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, or the Green Party! Or perhaps buy things from their catalogues to help fund eco projects and […]

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Why not give the gift of membership of an eco or wildlife charity to someone this festive season? For example the Woodland Trust, RSPB, or herts wildlife trust.

Or a green campaigning organisation, like Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, or the Green Party!

Or perhaps buy things from their catalogues to help fund eco projects and campaigns?

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Get help to make your home more energy efficient Sun, 24 Nov 2024 21:13:46 +0000 The National Energy Foundation have a project called SuperHomes: Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire, to offer residents free expert advice on home retrofitting. They offer to create a bespoke Home Energy Retrofit Options (HERO) Plan to upgrade the energy efficiency of your home. Their objectives are: 01. Increase Energy Efficiency Promote and achieve higher levels of energy […]

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The National Energy Foundation have a project called SuperHomes: Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire, to offer residents free expert advice on home retrofitting. They offer to create a bespoke Home Energy Retrofit Options (HERO) Plan to upgrade the energy efficiency of your home.

Their objectives are:

01. Increase Energy Efficiency

Promote and achieve higher levels of energy efficiency in domestic homes in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire by showing individual homeowners how to best retrofit their home.

02. Increase Thermal Comfort

Provide homeowners with the knowledge on how to make their home more thermally comfortable. 

03. Reduce Energy Bills

Help residents reduce their energy consumption by implementing energy-efficient measures and, in turn, lower their energy bills.

04. Reduce Carbon Footprint

Contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions by encouraging and supporting residents in making their homes more energy-efficient.

You can find out more and request a plan at their website:

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Talk about Climate Change Sun, 17 Nov 2024 16:32:27 +0000 In the midst of the COP29 United Nations climate talks, why not have your own conversations about climate change? You could talk with someone about how extreme weather events are getting more common and how they are linked to rising temperatures. Those rising temperatures are caused by continued burning of fossil fuels releasing huge amounts […]

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In the midst of the COP29 United Nations climate talks, why not have your own conversations about climate change? You could talk with someone about how extreme weather events are getting more common and how they are linked to rising temperatures. Those rising temperatures are caused by continued burning of fossil fuels releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. We need governments to reduce fossil fuel usage, and you can help by supporting the Green Party.

Image courtesy of UNFCCC, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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Greens in the Spotlight Sat, 16 Nov 2024 19:28:20 +0000 Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party and MP for Bristol Central, will be appearing on Laura Kuenssberg’s BBC morning show on Sunday 17 November (from 9am). Tune in to hear about our positive vision and practical solutions for building a fairer greener country. Only the Green Party is holding our government to account and […]

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Photo of Carla Denyer

Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party and MP for Bristol Central, will be appearing on Laura Kuenssberg’s BBC morning show on Sunday 17 November (from 9am). Tune in to hear about our positive vision and practical solutions for building a fairer greener country.

Only the Green Party is holding our government to account and demanding climate action and social justice.

Isn’t it time you joined us?

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How do we clean up our rivers? Tue, 29 Oct 2024 20:49:04 +0000 Our rivers are contaminated by a filthy cocktail of sewage, agricultural runoff and road pollution. How do we clean them up? The Government has just set up an independent review of the water industry “to clean up our water once and for all”. But will it be enough? Join us for this timely Nature Action Now […]

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Our rivers are contaminated by a filthy cocktail of sewage, agricultural runoff and road pollution. How do we clean them up? The Government has just set up an independent review of the water industry “to clean up our water once and for all”. But will it be enough? Join us for this timely Nature Action Now event on 7 November 2024 at 6pm when an expert panel will explore the extent of river pollution and ways of cleaning up the mess from greater protection for our rivers, higher penalties for polluters and nationalising water companies.

Panellists: Cllr Matthew Bird, Lewes District Council, Ellie Chowns MP, peer Jenny Jones, and James Wallace, CEO River Action UK.

Sign up here

Best wishes   

The Green Party

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