Why Vote Green in 2021

 “Having a Green in the room provides a voice for the environment, the climate and social justice, areas we believe other parties are failing to match their rhetoric with meaningful action”

The Green Party is expecting to make significant gains across the country in the local elections next month, as it stands a record number of candidates.

The party will be standing approximately 3,000 candidates across England and Wales on the day, meaning around 60% of all available seats will be contested by the Greens.

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said:

“Support for the Green Party is growing across the country.

“As we come out of this pandemic, people realise the world has changed. We do not want to go back to the way things were. The pandemic has put a spotlight on the rampant inequality in our society and the destructive relationship we have had with our environment.

“The Greens are the only party looking forward to how we create a better future by pledging to build a Green Recovery for every community across the country.

“The main two parties fail to grasp the need for positive transformation coming out of the pandemic. Instead, Green councillors and activists across the country are working with local communities and picking up the slack to ensure a Green Recovery for all.

“Having a Green in the room provides a voice for the environment, the climate and social justice, areas we believe other parties are failing to match their rhetoric with meaningful action.

“At the last local elections, the Green Party doubled our number of councillors, and with increased focus on the need for urgent action on climate and a Green Recovery we are expecting to do even better this year.”

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