I have lived, studied, and worked in Hertfordshire for 40 years, the last 15 in North Herts. I studied engineering and built aircraft, then switched to computing and business management, before specialising in mobile solutions, which you might be using. If you use an EE Android phone and buy from Google Play, you use one of my solutions, a solution I implemented across Europe. I love finding effective solutions.

My Charity Work
I have long cared about Social Justice and the Environment, the core principles of the Green Party. I became a Christian as a teenager and involved myself heavily with the church (Baptist and Charismatic) even working as a missionary for a time in Cameroon; that gave me a real insight into how much of the world lives. It taught me to treat everyone as equal, that we all must use our talents to make the most of what we have, to care for those who struggle, and that we are to care for the beautiful world upon which we live and depend.
I spent 2 weeks in a village that was 2 days walk from the nearest road. The people had all they needed and were happy – with the exception of modern medicine. Life can be so much simpler and may even be more enjoyable with less. I also saw first hand the destruction of the rain forest. A very significant proportion of which (in Cameroon) is not caused by the west for capitalist exploitation, but by the locals method of farming: level the forest in an area, grow corn, yam etc. on it for 2-4 years, then allow the forest to reclaim it. This used to work, but now the jungle doesn’t get a chance to grow back. There are more people, too many for that way of farming, and there are other modern pressures near the bigger cities. The result is the rain forest is massively reduced, but that’s what we in England have been doing for 6000 years.
Although I no longer regularly attend church, those core beliefs remain, along with a conviction of making the world a better place.
Why I joined the Green Party?
The Green Party is known as the strongest supporter of the environment, something I fully agree with. It is the only party to propose introducing a Basic Income, a fairer system of support, an idea that I had imagined during a time of irregular work, then learnt what it was called. These two reasons led to me to join the Green Party, where I have learnt that they also have better policies on a wide range of topics, especially Education. Only the Green Party promises to introduce a Basic Income providing every citizen with unconditional, non-withdrawable basic support. This will enable citizens to have a flexible approach to work, retirement and caring for others. It will bring greater fairness to all, for the common good, and remove the iniquity that so often happens under Conservative and Labour policies. David Clapson starved to death in Stevenage, because of those policies.

My Policies
I will stand as the Green Party candidate, working for you in Baldock at the next Local Elections taking place on the 5th May.
I will campaign for some of the most pressing environmental issues in Baldock, as well as North Herts:
- Implementing 20 mph speed limit in Baldock Residential Area -There is very strong support for implementing a 20mph limit in Baldock residential areas. I am part of the Twenty is Plenty campaign – www.20splenty.org
- Energy security – in Baldock and North Herts there is the opportunity to generate a great deal more electricity from renewable sources than we currently do. I support proposals to increase our energy independence, particularly where they combine
- Electric Vehicle Charging – North Herts Council has consistently failed to use the millions of pounds in government grants available to build the infrastructure that is needed to support the transition to electric only travel. I will see that Baldock gets the charging points it needs for the future.
- Protecting our Green Belt -I did not want to see such a massive development on Green Belt doubling the size of Baldock, but it is going to happen. What now? By electing me to the council, we can influence the design and quality of the development, to reduce the impact on existing residents of Baldock.
- Expanding biodiversity – With the right requirements we can increase the biodiversity and create a better environment than monoculture farming, that will be better for your well-being and future.
For the latest updates, follow me on: https://www.facebook.com/TimLeeGreenParty
Vote Green for greater security. Vote different, vote Tim Lee, Green Party, to implement green solutions.