Ecotips from early 2022

14th March 2022:

Remember to only boil the amount of water in your kettle that you actually need for your hot drinks, rather than fill up to the top each time. The electricity you save will help the planet AND your bank balance!
And watch this video for tips on how to keep your home free from indoor air pollution.

7th March 2022:

“It makes a big difference for the climate and for our finances if we can use less gas or oil for heating our houses – if you close the door of the room you’re in , you’ll find it warmer; plus if you dress for winter (ie wear 2 or 3 layers ) rather than living in a T-shirt and shorts /summer clothes, you won’t need the thermostat on so high or the heating on for so long!”

28th February 2022:

“Deforestation threatens ecosystems and biodiversity. You can make a positive impact and protect the environment by buying furniture from manufacturers that harvest wood responsibly. They should have transparent and thorough timber sourcing statements and policies as well as commitments to percentages of certified wood. See the guide on how to buy sustainable furniture at How to buy sustainable furniture – Which?”

21st February 2022:

Plant Peat-Free! Why not take the lead to help save precious peat bogs that store carbon so well, and start using only peat-free compost (peat will be banned from sale in garden centres from 2024 anyway!)

14th February 2022:

Whilst it’s dark outside keep your curtains closed.  This has 2 benefits.

  1. It increases the insulation round your windows, reducing heat-loss and therefore energy bills, essential if you don’t yet have double-glazing. 
  2. It reduces light pollution outside your home, making your garden/street more wild-life friendly.

7th February 2022:

With the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne why not join in with Plant a Tree for the Jubilee ? North Herts District Council may still have ones for free! Trees are a huge statement of hope for the future and of tackling climate change.

As of 4th February a few trees were still available contact or go direct to

Arborcare, Unit N, Shangri – La Farm, Todds Green, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2JE

Stevenage Office: 01438 726 425 | Out of Hours: 07790 035 486

31st January 2022:

Did you know that food waste in landfill sites contributes 10% to global CO2 emissions? Reducing food waste could save not just the planet but  you could also save as much as £720 a year! In Hertfordshire food waste makes up almost a quarter of the weight of  the rubbish in refuse bins. You can help Hertfordshire reduce food waste  by  completing the survey at

17th January 2022:

“Why not take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch in a garden, (or school or local park) on  28-30 Jan ,and take some time out connecting with nature? Surveys are an important way of recording how wildlife is doing, plus you will probably also put out more food for birds around this time in your garden, in the hope of seeing lots of them, which can only be good for their numbers.”

As a word of caution you may wish to read this Guardian  article on the risk of potential harm to weaker species by feeding birds.

10th January 2022:

“Keep on sorting your rubbish to be recycled so that it doesn’t all end up in landfill. As well as your kerbside collections, Letchworth tip have  rigid plastic section(eg old buckets), many supermarkets have soft plastic collection points and some Superdrug stores collect medicine blister packs.”

3rd January 2022:

“(Re)discover the rejuvenating power of the natural world – try spending a few minutes each day tending a plant , either indoors or out, or looking at trees – it will hopefully bring de-stressing, awe and wonder in plants to take us forward into the new year.”

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