Tim Lee calls for more wind power

In these unprecedented times, Conservatives turn their back on the onshore wind farms.  Tim Lee,  our candidate for Baldock, questions the short-sightedness of their approach

Solar and Wind electricity costs about 3p per kWh. It is the cheapest source of electricity. You are paying over 10x that much for your electricity. Why?

The Conservative government is refusing to allow wind turbines to be built. The Conservatives are making your life more expensive and insecure. There are over 600 current planning proposals which together would produce more power than all the Russian energy we import. We would have far greater security.

These plans are being held up by planning regulations. Why? Maybe they still think that people think wind turbines ugly, a blot on the landscape. In the Victorian era there were similar objections against the building of railways with claims that they were a blight on the countryside. Now there is a great nostalgia for the lost railways with active plans to rebuild them – they care considered a great British treasure. Public attitude has shifted, along with the massive drop in cost. Most now see the benefit and want the UK to be more secure with lower cost electricity.

Wind turbines are a symbol of our independence, of our ability to look after ourselves. Build back better. Secure Wind Power. Some MPs seem to think Nuclear is a viable option. Nuclear is the most expensive form of electricity generation, and the most polluting. Hinkley C is 10 years behind schedule and is already adding a huge cost to your electricity bills long before it has produced anything. Nuclear power remains dependent on imports of uranium, and in the event of war is a single target. Nuclear reduces our security. Build a secure future. Secure Wind Power!

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