Oppose Luton Airport Expansion: 2022 posts

Luton Airport update

The statutory consultation on the “Future Luton” proposals (to grow capacity from 18 million up to 32 million passengers per year) closed on 4th April (we submitted a response on behalf of the group), but you can still sign the petition to Parliament against airport expansion at https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/610459Shortly after the consultation closed, we received some welcome news: the Government is to hold an inquiry into the recent decision by Luton Borough Council to allow the airport to increase capacity to 19 million ppa, and to make changes to previously agreed noise limits. Concerns over climate change, policies for enhancing the natural environment, and the local development plan which was to be set aside to allow more airport growth were among the reasons cited for the inquiry. For more details, see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-61017175https://ladacan.org/government-calls-in-luton-airport-expansion-plan/

Petition to reject any future applications to expand Luton Airport

Any expansion of airport capacity is contrary to the recommendation of the Committee on Climate Change, yet Luton Council is consulting on increasing London Luton Airport (LLA) passenger numbers from 18 to 32 million per year.

LLA has already significantly increased its capacity between 2014 to 2019, and further expansion will create even more strain on local transport infrastructure, increase greenhouse gas emissions, destroy biodiversity of the surrounding area and impact the health and wellbeing of local residents.

We urge our members and supporters to sign this petition that calls on the UK Government to refuse any future applications to increase the LLA passenger capacity.

We would also like to remind you about the consultation meetings taking place Hitchin Town Hall on 10th March from 15:30 to 20:30 and and at Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre, on Tuesday 15th  March from 15:00-20:00.

Stop Luton Airport Expansion – Consultation Meeting in Hitchin and Stevenage

North Herts and Stevenage Green Party continues to strongly oppose the Luton Airport expansion and we invite our members and supporters to attend the consultation meetings organised by Luton Rising that will take place at Hitchin Town Hall on 10th March from 15:30 to 20:30 and and at Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre, on Tuesday 15th  March from 15:00-20:00.

You can also complete an online consultation form at Consultation – Luton Rising  by 4th April, and LADACAN (Luton and District Association for the Control of Airport Noise) has provided some helpful information at Responding to the consultation questions – Say NO to Luton Airport Expansion (ladacan.org).

Luton airport’s capacity was expanded significantly between 2013 and 2019 which resulted in serious congestion on local roads,  as well as the increase of noise levels above its planning limits.

Luton Rising now plans to practically double the number of passengers to 32 million per year thus ignoring the original plan by the Council to limit passenger numbers to 18 million. While claiming that the airport expansion will provide economic benefits to the area, Luton Rising has had to borrow hundreds of millions of pounds from the Council.

Luton Council has set a target of becoming carbon neutral by 2040, while at same time supporting this expansion, which will lead to higher carbon emissions because of 60% increase in flights and the destruction of large parts of Wigmore Park to create carparks for additional 40,000 to 50,000 car journeys required per day.

Anni Sander and Hugh Parker, the NH&S GP Party Co-Chairs said:

The UN IPCC Report released at the end of February could not have put it more starkly –  “any decisions on climate policy made in this crucial decade are important for our long term fate and the sustainability of life on this planet” The report concludes that widespread adverse impacts to natural and human systems, some irreversible, have already occurred. However actions within this decade to maintain  global temperature rise to close to 1.5˚C could substantially reduce the further projected losses and damage.  So, at a time when it is absolutely clear that we must reduce global emissions of Green House Gases, it makes no sense to expand the airport increasing inputs from aviation itself as well as the associated traffic, extending way beyond the airport footprint. Added to this, if permitted, a substantial area of valuable local wildlife habitat would be destroyed, built over by the second terminal and aircraft stands.    

Tim Lee, Green Party candidate for Baldock Town, said:

Your children’s, and especially your grandchildren’s, future will be harmed by expanding Luton Airport. Every take-off causes pollution immediately harming people and environment nearby while also adding to the longer-term erosion of nature and planetary warming.

Luton Council is betting the financial future of the town on growing the airport – they own it. To hell with security, your lives, or the planet.

80% of the journeys from Luton Airport could be made by a zero-carbon alternative.

I love aircraft, they are an incredible invention, and they have an important place in our world. But, considering how much they pollute, we must limit how much they are used. And it’s not just the flights – the roads are strained, woodland will be destroyed for parking, and productive farmland removed.

If you want to protect your future, and that of your children, Have Your Say in the consultation.


Vote for Your Favourite Greenwasher of the Month

There is still chance to vote your favourite Greenwasher of the month at https://www.greenwash.earth/

Luton Council is one of the four contestants in February’s competition. While the Chair of Luton Rising proclaims sustainability values and growing Luton airport in a sustainably responsible ways, the planned expansion to 32 million passenger per year will double  Luton Airport’s current emissions of some 2.2 million tons of CO2 and about 200,000 tons of other greenhouse gases.

Greenwashing is branding products or activities as eco-friendly, green and otherwise environmentally sound, while in reality they are harmful to the environment.

The other business in the Greenwasher competition include Innocent Drinks; The Sun newspaper; and Standard Chartered Bank.

Stop Luton Airport Expansion

We invite our members to support LADACAN’s initiative against new proposal from Luton Airport to expand to 32 million passengers a year. The consultation started on 8th February and will run for 2 months. The operators of Luton Airport, renamed Luton Rising, will host a consultative meeting at Hitchin Town Hall on 10th March.

LADACAN is a resident’s group concerned about the impact of continued expansion of Luton Airport and you can find out more information about the consultation at www.Ladacan.org and  their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/GoLadacan/.

The planned Luton airport expansion will cause a significant increase in both noise and air pollution with some long-term implications to the local residents and surrounding villages.

North Herts and Stevenage Green Party continues to oppose Luton airport expansion.

Flight Free 2022 

You might have heard of the campaign, Flight Free UK. It asks people to take a year off flying to reduce carbon emissions and create a social shift away from aviation. Flight Free UK believe that not flying is the most powerful action an individual can take to reduce their carbon emissions.

The past eighteen months have been difficult for many, and a very different picture for aviation. Many people have stayed grounded, not through choice, but through necessity. However, positive climate action is much more meaningful when people make an informed decision to fly less, or not at all, and those decisions will lead to genuine behaviour change and a shift in the narrative around travel.

‘Why Flight Free?’ Watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/488449939

The flight free pledge makes it clear that people are making a positive choice for the climate.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, so there are three levels of pledge:

  1. To be flight free in 2022
  2. Not to fly on holiday in 2022
  3. To be flight free for life

The pledge is here: www.flightfree.co.uk

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