Last chance to object to application to build on green belt at edge of Hitchin

The Consultation Expiry Date for an application to build 47 houses on the meadow at the top of Grays Lane, Hitchin, has been extended to January 26th. This relates to Planning Application (Ref: 22/03092/FP) The Application is to build a new road and junction on the existing bridle way and enable another development in the field opposite for 9 expensive houses! This will cause a major problem and safety issue for the many people that use the bridle way. Bats, badgers, deer, foxes and numerous birds live in and around here and the wild meadow absorbs a great deal of carbon. The damage to the local environment, wildlife habitat, biodiversity and ecological balance will be immense!

For more information on how to object, and to sign a petition against building on more local meadows, see

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