Thank you to everyone who voted for a Green candidate in the local election in North Hertfordshire and Stevenage in the hope of Fairer, Greener Community where we live! And especially grateful thanks from the target candidates Deolinda Eltringham (Hitchin Bearton) and Jim Borcherds ( Stevenage Old Town).
The number of voters casting their vote for a Green candidate rose significantly, whereas the vote for the other 3 main parties decreased.
In Stevenage, the Green vote grew significantly in many wards and is now at over 10% in some, including Pin Green and Old Town. This puts us in a strong position for next year when all 39 council seats will be up for election rather than the usual one in three. Although the Conservative vote was down, Labour did not make the gains it hoped for, perhaps due to the low turnout (30.51%) and voters’ dissatisfaction with the current Labour-controlled council.
Across the North Herts Council, the Green Party vote share was 8% of total votes cast, except in Hitchin Bearton where it rose to 16%.
As we have seen across the country, more and more people are recognising that the Green Party is providing the solutions we all need, no more so than in our close neighbours East Hertfordshire where there are now 19 Green Party councillors. We look forward to mirroring the success of East Herts in the all-out council elections due in 2024! If you have any spare time, and campaigning skills to offer, please contact us, so we can become even more effective.
If you would like to know more about the Green Party or get involved in helping to shape the future come and visit the Green Party Stall at Stevenage Day on 11th June.