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🚨 BREAKING 🚨 The Prime Minister and Chancellor are giving public sector workers a pay rise, but are insisting it comes from “existing budgets”, which could mean CUTS. [1] The pay rises will cost £3 billion, which is exactly how much the Treasury loses every year because of non-dom tax perks. [2] The solution is obvious. Close the tax loophole and avoid more strikes.

Friend, it’s obvious! The Government has agreed to raise the pay of millions of public sector workers, including teachers, junior doctors and NHS staff. [3]But there’s a problem. It’s being reported that the £3 billion it will cost to raise public sector pay is coming from existing budgets, which could mean HUGE spending cuts. [4]The solution? Closing the “non-dom” tax loophole that allows rich foreign nationals who were born overseas but live in the UK to avoid paying tax on all their earnings. Even though there’s less than 70,000 of them, it’s recently been calculated that closing the loophole would raise £3 billion. [5]Will you sign the petition demanding the Government close this unfair loophole, and use the money to give millions of public sector workers the pay raise they deserve, without having to cut vital public services? You can add your name below.



Here’s what the petition says:

To: Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the ExchequerThank you for doing the right thing and recognising that public sector workers need a proper pay rise. However, funding this pay rise through existing budgets could mean cutting public services even further, damaging these services just at the moment when they need all the funding they can get. Closing the non-dom tax loophole would raise more than is needed to fund this pay rise. It would mean 70,000 wealthy individuals paying a little more tax to help give our teachers, nurses and doctors the pay rise they deserve. Do the obvious thing, close the non-dom loophole and give our public sector heroes the pay rise they deserve – while protecting public services.Signed, Thousands of members of the British public


I DISAGREE BECAUSE … Thank you for your continued support,Jonathan, Mike, Veronica and the 38 Degrees teamNOTES[1] BBC News: Public sector workers offered pay rise of around 6%Sky News: Millions of UK public sector workers including teachers and doctors to get pay rises [2] The Financial Times (paywall): Scrapping ‘non-dom’ tax perk would net £3.6bn a year for UK, says study [3] See note 1[4] See note 1[5] See note 2
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