Your hard working team, for the benefit of Hitchin Bearton residents. We are not whipped by the Green Party, so we are free to represent voters. Our candidates are:
- Mary Marshall
- Deolinda Eltringham
- Tim Lee
We can win in Hitchin Bearton!

Mary Marshall

Mary has lived in Hitchin for 25 years and works from home for an Employee Owed Company as an IT applications tester and Health and Safety Officer. During her career in IT she has commuted to a variety of places on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus and train, giving her a wide experience of local, regional and national transport issues.
A keen community gardener, Mary likes helping to keep Hitchin’s Quaker (Friends) Meeting House grounds in central Hitchin tidily wild. Caring for a public open space involves tackling persistent litterers, drug use, vandalism, anti social behaviour and homelessness. Working with neighbouring Churches, local police, charities and councils she helps our community to keep these places safe for everyone to use. Mary also helps at the Triangle Community Garden in Hitchin Bearton ward.
Working from home has allowed her to join in weekly health walks, residents’ meetings, and ringing St Mary’s church bells for traditional local event and services.
Worries about safety after watching the first charity Christmas Tractor run promoted her to volunteer for the Marshals team for this fun, noisy, lively event bringing town and country together.
In her words: “If we are to make progress towards a greener, less polluted future we need to do so together. This means listening to each other and acting on these and their concerns”.
Deolinda Eltringham

Deolinda has lived in Hitchin since 1986, where with my husband we have raised 3 now adult sons. Graduated in Chemistry, having worked in several laboratories over the years, developing a long term interest in the science of Climate Change and its consequences. In her words:
“I understand the dangers of air pollution and water pollution which motivates me to want to do better for the local area. I am passionate about community and environmental issues and believe in living the changes we wish to see in our community and the world”.
Since 2013, she has been Hitchin’s Terracycle coordinator for recyclable waste, and with the community, the collection efforts raised over £15K for four main charities, whilst sending over 23 tons of “waste” to be recycled, instead of being sent to landfill or incineration. Deolinda would be keen to ensure the North Herts Council provides value for money and is financially responsible.
“I fully support the Green Party’s “Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price charter” about delivering warm and efficient homes. It is about local councils being in control of housing, building quality affordable homes in the right places with the right infrastructure, to make living not just bearable but good! Because we should be building homes that serve our community needs, supported with facilities like GP surgeries, bus services, schools and leisure centres. I am keen to ensure the protection and greening of the Hitchin Green Belt and to see it remain a valuable clean-air-lung and good-mental-health resource for our community”.
Tim Lee

In his words: “Working for a happier world, a better world, a sustainable world is my motivation in life – and for Hitchin. There are so many opportunities to achieve this that can be made possible if I have your vote to make change happen in the local District Council”.
To help us all transition profitably and sustainably to Net Zero, I am studying, part-time, for an MSc in Marine Renewable Energy. I have a particular interest in tidal energy capture – it is completely reliable, not depending on sun or wind.
Professionally Tim is a Data Protection Officer – a mix of legal and technical problem solving work. Previously, he was a Senior Solution Manager, designing and delivering software solutions for many years, a bit of programming and internal consultant. Tim moved into IT, from engineering, in the 1990s, after gaining an MSc in Computer Science.
Tim is married with two adult children. He says: Together with my wife, we grow and make a lot of our own food, keep chickens, ducks, geese, quail, and bees (until they flew away!). For fun we are rebuilding a 60-year-old boat that we will convert to run on solar power.
Keen to ensure energy security in North Herts, protecting the Green Belt, and expanding biodiversity instead of monoculture farming. He knows our councils have the power to do more to ensure a safe and healthy future for us and our children, which is why I stand as a candidate for the Green Party in Hitchin Bearton.

We take a pragmatic approach, we would focus on the following aspects of local community life:
– Find solutions to stop the fires in the recycling centre
– Monitor air quality, to improve it and reduce air pollution
– Investigate and stop any sewage water contaminating local rivers
– Support and promote local youth activities and clubs
– Implement 20 mph speed limit where residents want them
– Ensure the new local Housing Plan is fair, meets local needs, to super insulated standards
– Promote and support locally the proposed Local Electricity Bill
– Promote and support Green Investment to create jobs and reduce emissions
– Support healthier, accessible and affordable local transport for all
– Promote a repurposing economy of reuse and recycling
– Protect biodiversity sensitive areas and extend re-wilding schemes
– Support the protection of Hitchin’s Green Belt from development expansions
– Continue to oppose Luton Airport expansion
– Campaign for a fairer and proportional local election voting system
– We intend to keep in touch with local people all year round.
Residents need a green voice to represent and make a stand for Hitchin Bearton at the North Herts Council – Vote GREEN for a fairer, sustainable, liveable environment!
Local elections on Thursday 2nd May 2024