Matt Fisher is your Green Party candidate for Herts PCC

When you vote for the Green Party, you get hardworking Greens elected.

Matt Fisher, a Green Party councillor in St Albans, has been selected to be the Green Party’s candidate for the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner election this year.

Matt’s experience ranges from teaching in South Africa to serving as a Special Constable.

He honed his leadership qualities as a Royal Navy officer, particularly while working with special forces. This naval experience instilled in him the motto “the Team Works” which he embodies in all he does.

In his career as a portrait and event photographer Matt has connected with diverse people, successfully collaborating with national and international brands. This enabled him to refine his persuasive skills, evident in his volunteer work with Project Harar, producing films to support facial reconstructive surgery in Ethiopia.

Policing works best when police focus on how best to reduce harm to everyone. His policing plan will focus on what works to reduce long-term harms, working with other agencies to solve the problems that lead to crimes.

Policing needs to be grounded in support from the community. Police who have the confidence of their communities are effective; police who are viewed with suspicion are ineffective.

Matt says: “I have a strong moral compass, a sense of duty, and an innovative mindset. These qualities make me eager to collaborate with various community groups to develop strategies for safer, more vibrant, communities.”

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