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Thank you for voting Green in May 2024

The Green Party had its best ever council election results in May 2024, thanks to your support!

Nationally, the Greens won 184 local election contests and we now have over 800 Councillors across England and Wales - councillors committed to making a real difference to their communities.

In North Herts, our Green candidates in Bearton and Walsworth wards came ahead of all the Conservative and Lib Dem candidates. In Stevenage, we increased our vote by over 65%, with 18.2% of voters voting Green. Over 28% of Almond Hill voters voted for our candidate Paul Dawson.

In neighbouring districts we are already the largest group on East Herts Council with 17 councillors, and we have three councillors in St Albans and one in Central Beds. The Green Party can win elections here!

Some of our East Herts councillors