Make Votes Matter – find out more this Thursday

Would you like to find out more about Proportional Representation (PR): a more democrative alternative to the current First Past the Post (FPTP) voting system in England? Join us for an online talk this Thursday, 24 October, from 7.30pm with guest speaker David Gallagher.

The talk is organised by Make Votes Matter, a single-issue campaign for proportional representation in the House of Commons. Make Votes Matter encourages all parties, candidates and MPs to support PR. It does not endorse any party or candidates.

Details are below. To join the meeting, select the link and when prompted, select Continue on browser or Join on the Microsoft Teams app. You don’t need to install the Teams app to join the meeting. 

Thursday 24 October, 7.30pm

Click here to join the meeting

If the meeting asks for an ID or passcode, please see below:

Meeting ID: 357 791 894 981

Passcode: 7NSHTT


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