A message from Peter Wilkin, your Green Party candidate:
Thank you to everyone who voted in Thursday’s Royston Palace by-election, with only 27.3% turnout and Labour winning by only 4 votes, this election proves that every vote counts, and that in the local council the local minority views are being served over the silent 72.7% of voters, which is a huge democratic deficit.
I’m proud of the work everyone did on The Green Party campaign, and thank everyone that came out and voted for me and the Green Party(8%). From the canvassing and survey we ran, we are very much encouraged by the affirmation on the door step from voters that liked Green Party policies and ideas both locally and nationally, though felt pressured to vote against a party they objected or not at all. There is a far more effective way to achieve significant change in our community, that is to vote for what people want and believe in.
I’d like to thank the whole North Herts Green Party team, in particular my election agent for her extensive work on the campaign and my wife Francesca for her continued love and support.
I hope you will join me in continuing to work in the community and with The Green Party to make the world a better place.
Yours thankfully
Peter Wilkin
The Green Party candidate for Royston Palace
And our campaigning continues:
Sat 2nd Dec – North Herts Greens café drop-in from 10am to 11:30am at the Moreno’s at 1 Angel Pavement, Royston, SG8 9AS – Peter Wilkin would like to thank voters and supporters and campaign helpers, so come and meet for a chat on community or green topics of concern.