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It’s time to join the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch

“sparrow” by Hitched Hiker is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring. Across the UK, over half a million people took part in Big […]

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Make productive use of your unwanted seasonal gifts

Do take any unwanted gifts to charity shops! That will help with the much needed circular economy and it will help everyone trying to follow “buy nothing new” for January (and longer….). Buy Nothing New Month is all about moving beyond simply recycling, to reducing the amount of new stuff that we buy, and by […]

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Why not have your say on eco change?

Why not have your say to get eco change? 38 Degrees have lots of environmental petitions at For example, you could demand that the water companies foot the bill for fixing the sewage problems they have created, instead of customers: Or support campaigns for social justice, like the petition opposing privatization of the […]

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Learn about the global effects of the climate crisis

Why not listen to BBC World Service’s new 20 minute series “The Climate Question” on Sundays at 10pm to learn more about the global effects on people caused by the climate crisis? This is the link to the first programme (16 July 2023) about El Nino : […]

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Peat free compost slows down climate change

Lots of compost on sale is now peat free – hurray! Please choose this – you are playing your part in preserving peatlands which are very valuable carbon sinks and which help biodiversity and help combat global warming by locking in CO2, which our planet desperately needs to do! Thanks to Katrina Nice for this […]

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