North Herts & Stevenage Green Party are proud to present the second round of free expert talks on climate change and solutions!
All Recordings Now Available!
Sustainable Lifestyle: Click Here
Food & Farming : Towards a Healthy Future: Click Here
Scroll down for earlier recordings from the “Truth for a Change” series, Autumn 2019 – Biodiversity, Lifestyle, Climate Change & Transport
Free Webinar “Sustainable Lifestyle”
7:00pm Friday 17th September
This webinar investigates how our lifestyle and shopping choices affect the climate and what to do about it.

Free Webinar “Food and Farming: Towards a Healthy Future”
Natalie Bennett 7:00pm Friday 24th September

Natalie Bennett’s first degree was in agricultural science, and she’s been deeply involved in the debates on the Agriculture Act and the Environment Bill, championing agroecology and stressing the damage done to public health and the planet by a diet based ultra-processed foods. She became the second Green peer in the House of Lords in 2019, having been leader the Green Party from 2012 – 2016.
A series of talks organised by North Herts & Stevenage Green Party, Autumn 2019
The video recordings for each talk are available under the buttons on the right.
Click the button to be linked directly to the recording .