Tomorrow! Post COP Climate Cafe

Post-COP Climate Café  –  THIS FRIDAY!  19th Nov. 18.30-20.00: Edwinstree School, Buntingford: 

Now that the COP in Glasgow is all over, are you any clearer about what happened there?  Do you know whether to feel positive or depressed?

Come to Edwinstree on Friday at 18.30 and find out!  Hear from the Buntingford Ambassadors to the COP who were in Glasgow + local councillors, students, business leaders and your fellow citizens about what actually happened there – and what we, locally, can do about it?

The one thing that we probably have to agree upon is that Climate Change willchange everything – the jobs we do, the food we eat, how we travel, where we travel…  Life in 2050 will be radically different to what it is now.  So how can we, here in this small corner of East Herts,  prepare and get ahead of the curve?

Join us on Friday at Edwinstree and let’s start the conversation!  Just RSVP to this email to let us know you’re coming!

Contact:- David Woollcombe <>

Best wishes,

David and Madela

Buntingford Action on Climate Change and Sustainability


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