Cost of living resources

HertsHelp has a comprehensive list of local sources of cost of living support:

You can also get in touch with HertsHelp by email or call 0300 123 4044.

For a list of foodbanks In Hertfordshire:

Free confidential advice on household finances, benefits, energy gas and electric bills, scams etc. is also available from Herts Citizen advice.

Phone: 0800 144 8848

Are you eligible for free home improvements to make your home warmer? 22-11-2022 10:24 AM GMT

If your household has a combined gross household income of less than £30,000 a year and your property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is D, E, F or G, you could qualify for energy-saving measures such as improved insulation, solar panels and updated heating systems.

And here’s a more political response: Greenpeace have made a new video on the cost of living. You can find about local screenings here, or wait a little longer when it will be available to watch online.

Feeling neglected and left behind by the government, and facing enormous energy bills, more and more people are relying on their community to help put food on their table and provide a warm refuge.

‘Cost of Living’ follows the Rother Valley community as they try to support each other during this historic crisis.

Energy companies are set to make £170 billion in excess profits over the next two years. Unless the government steps in, we will suffer every winter, while oil and gas bosses continue to get richer.

Both the cost of living and climate crises can be solved by investing in renewable energy, properly insulating homes and providing people with the skills and training needed to deliver this green energy revolution.

The government must act to keep people warm this winter.

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