Democracy Elections

Are local polling stations accessible and fit for purpose?

North Herts Council is required by law to undertake a review of polling districts and polling places every 5 years. Although the consultation period will begin formally in October, the Council is inviting feedback now that it can use to begin drafting proposals.

Please let them know if you have any feedback on polling stations related to the following areas:

–        Where the location is not very accessible geographically in relation to the polling district (and therefore the voters) voting there.

–        Where the outside of the polling place has issues with accessibility, such as obstructions in the approach or entrance to the building, no dropped kerb / level access to allow for wheelchair access or no external lighting.

–        Where there are issues with the inside areas of the polling place or polling station, such as internal steps, corridors causing access problems, lack of sufficient space for accommodating polling stations and polling booths ensuring the secrecy of the ballot, or lack of adequate internal lighting.

Please email with your comments, as well as any suggestions for potential alternative polling stations in the vicinity.

Alternatively, you can write to the following address:

Electoral Services

North Herts Council

District Council Offices

Gernon Road

Letchworth Garden City



All feedback will be extremely gratefully received.

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