Will Lavin’s campaign begins – all ages catered for!

Will Lavin, our Green Party parliamentary candidate for Hitchin, has embarked on campaigning for the General Election, having accepted invites from a primary school and a Retirement home.

Will attended Wilshere Dacre school in Hitchin just before the Easter holidays. Year 6 had been working on Climate Change projects, which Will inspected and discussed with the students.

There was also a “mini-hustings” attended by students, parents and teachers. Will followed Alistair Strathern MP (Labour) onto the stage to deliver a speech about climate change, Green Party basic policies etc. He was helped by an astute year 6 pupil who asked the final question to the Labour candidate: “if you care so much about the environment, why don’t you join the Green Party”. Alistair’s woolly answer was about not thinking the Greens have a chance of winning (the usual non-answer).

Will will also be presenting Green Party policies and answering questions to residents of the Harrison Court Retirement Complex, so should see a different collection of viewpoints.

Will speaking at Wilshere Dacre

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