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Green Party response to Cycling UK Stevenage

North Herts and Stevenage Green Party have been approached by Tina Walker, Chair of Cycling UK Stevenage to give answers to 3 questions about cycling in Stevenage. We feel that it is important that there is greater public participation in local politics and feel that these are issues to put before the widest possible audience. […]

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Levels of air pollution in Hitchin & Stevenage this Winter

Reporting on Air pollution in North Herts and Stevenage – Nitrogen Dioxide readings (2022-2023) Over the winter of 2022/23 members of the North Herts & Stevenage Green Party set up monitoring stations at several locations in Hitchin and Stevenage to measure the cumulative levels of Nitrogen dioxide. North Herts Council have only two stations and […]

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Local Green Party elects new co-chairs

North Herts and Stevenage Green Party has elected two new co-chairs at our March 2023 monthly meeting. Jim Borcherds has lived in Stevenage since 1989. He taught at Marriotts School for 12 years and now works as an Education Consultant supporting Secondary schools across Hertfordshire and beyond with their timetables. For transport, Jim’s first choice […]

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Deolinda Eltringham, Recycling Queen

Deolinda is featured in an article in this month’s Hertfordshire Life magazine to mark International Women’s Day – 8th March 2023. The article highlights her work with Terracycle which has led to over 22 tonnes of material being recycled. If you’d like to increase your recycling beyond the standard kerbside collections, have a look at […]

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Last chance to object to application to build on green belt at edge of Hitchin

The Consultation Expiry Date for an application to build 47 houses on the meadow at the top of Grays Lane, Hitchin, has been extended to January 26th. This relates to Planning Application (Ref: 22/03092/FP) The Application is to build a new road and junction on the existing bridle way and enable another development in the […]

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Oppose Luton Airport Expansion: 2022 posts

Luton Airport update The statutory consultation on the “Future Luton” proposals (to grow capacity from 18 million up to 32 million passengers per year) closed on 4th April (we submitted a response on behalf of the group), but you can still sign the petition to Parliament against airport expansion at after the consultation closed, […]

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Green campaigners meet council officers

Stevenage Campaigner Jim, Hitchin campaigner Mary, co-chair Anni and Parliamentary candidate for Stevenage Paul attended today’s Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership (HCCSP) event in Potters Bar. Anni Sander NH&S Green Party Co-chair said: “It was great to connect with other environmental campaigners from across the county and learn more about what the councils are […]

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Solar Power Generation at Great Wymondley

Speaker's Corner

A statement by Tim Lee, Green Party candidate for Baldock Town Yesterday (Thu 17 Nov 2022) I spoke on behalf of the local Green Party in favour of the proposed development of a solar ‘farm’ on land to the north and east of Great Wymondley, Hertfordshire. I share many of the local concerns but believe […]

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Local Council seeks views on walking and cycling routes

Herts County Council is holding a consultation on the new Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) in partnership with North Herts Council until 7th November. The LCWIP sets out ideas for creating safer pavements, footpaths, pedestrian crossings and cycle routes. All relevant information – the plan and short consultation survey – can be found on the […]

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